Seven Falls Colorado Springs | Hikes — Colorado Springs

Seven Falls Colorado Springs

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The Seven Falls is located in the south west of Colorado Springs on the mountain of Pikes Peak. The Seven Falls is an amazing place where you will be able to see 7 amazing waters falls. There is a 224 step hike that will take you to see all of the falls located in the Cheyenne Canyon. The Falls are one of the most popular attractions that Colorado Springs has. There are several hikes around the seven falls where you will be able to see some wonderful nature.

Seven Falls.jpg


If you are planning on going to Seven Falls here are the rates that you can expect to pay there.

Adults - $9.25       Children - $5.75   Children under 5 - are free

You can also check out the Seven Falls at Night where the prices are a little more but you will be able to see a romantic view with seven water falls lighten up.

Directions to Seven Falls

The Seven Falls is located between the Broadmoor and Highway I-24. So if you are headed west on Cheyenne Mountain blvd you can not miss the Seven Falls. (head towards the mountains) If you still get lost here is the address to add it to your GPS or Smart Phone.

Seven Falls 2850 S. Cheyenne Canyon Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80906

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