Penny Arcade Manitou Springs | Old Arcade Games — Colorado Springs

Penny Arcade Manitou Springs Colorado Springs Colorado

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The Official Name is called Arcade Amusements in Manitou

The Penny Arcade is a great attraction to take people of all ages if you are planning a visit to Colorado Springs!  It is called the Penny Arcade because you will be able to find hundreds of arcade games which some of them still cost a penny. (sadly not many) You will be able to find some of the first arcade games and walk through arcade game history playing over 20 different pinball machines to 30 different racing games. The games can date back to the 1930's if not earlier where a lot of the games cost the same price they did back then. If you are looking for a place to find some lost games that you have not seen or played for decades the Penny Arcade is the perfect place to go. The Arcade is located just off Main Street and consists of several little buildings, every building has it own different style and feel.

Different Types of Games at the Penny Arcade

There are over 400 games located in the arcade, pinball machines, skeeball, pool tables, DDR, boxing machines, and so much more. They are always updating their games getting the latest games and finding old gems to add to their collection. They have games for all ages so you are bound to find a game that you enjoy.

The Costs: Each game costs varies varies from $0.01 to $1.50 


The Different Rooms at The Penny Arcade

The penny arcade consists of over five old rooms which adds some charm to the games, you feel like you are in a room that hasn't changed since the early 1900s. Each room offers different games some rooms offer the modern games while others the classic games. There is also a room just for the horses. This is my personal favourite,  inside the horse racing roomthere are is one large horse racing game where there are 12 horses sitting at the start line waiting for peopel to play. The goal of the game is to be the first horse to cross the finishline, you move your horse by rolling a ball into 3 different colors holes which all have different values to move your horse to the finish line. The winner can choose tickets or a penny arcade mug. I always choose the mug. 

Kids Rides

Half of the amusement park is outdoors but with a roof over a lot of the games. If your kids love riding small electronic rides the Penny Arcade has over 20 different cars or animals to ride to keep kids entertained while you play around of Skeeball. There are plenty of games inside the rooms as well keep kids entertained for a lot cheaper to the newer arcades.

Tickets: Certain games at the arcade like skeeball you will be able to earn tickets and you will be able to trade the tickets in for prizes. To redeem the tickets you need to go to the skeeball room and go to one of the two machines which will count your tickets. The machine will give you a receipt which you will be able to hand in at the prize counter. Then select your prizes that you have earned/played to win. Its a win win. 

Penny Arcade opening Hours

The Penny Arcade is open all year round and the store hours in the winter are 11am-5pm.  If you are in Colorado Springs this is a wonderful to place to stop and see how games have changed over the years and let your grand parents teach you a thing or two about arcade games from there generation.

Some of the rooms are closed during winter as well but if you ask an employee they will be willing to open it if there is not to much going on.

Where is the Penny Arcade Located

The location is just of Manitou street is amazing there is so much to do and see in Manitou this is only one more thing that adds to the amazing Manitou. If you are driving down main street it is located just behind Patsy's candy and Royal Tavern. If you reach the round about in Manitou you have driven to far. Check the map below for complete directions of how to get there! 

Parking for the Penny Arcade

At the Penny Arcade you will have to pay for parking no matter where you go. You can easily park on Main street and pay the meter or you there are several parking lots nearby which are not to expensive. The most common parking lot is right behind the Penny Arcade to get there take a right off main street onto Canon Ave. right at the beatiful church then about a hlaf a block you will be able to park on the left handside of the road. There you will only have to pay a few dollars for all day parking.

Contact the Penny Arcade

  • Address: 900 Manitou Ave, Manitou Springs, CO 80829

  • Phone Number: (719) 685-9815

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